Saturday, May 3, 2014

.   -On wednesday you saw 12 robins on one tree and 7 on another tree. 
  How many robins did you see altogether? 
   Your friends just gave you 12 sparkle markers, now you have 19!
  How many did you have before your friends gave you 12 more?

Group 2
-   Gloria used to keep her thermostat at 72 degrees. To save energy, she lowered it 6 degrees.
    What was the new temperature in her apartment?
-   Yesterday Tom had $24. Today, he has 4 times as much.
    How much does he have today?

Group 1
Solve the following problems.

1-     Teresa bought nine oranges, fourteen apples, five lemons, and eight tangerines. 
         How many fruits did she buy in total? 

2-     Sophia had $15.00 dollars in the morning.  She lost $9.00 dollars. 
        How much money does she have left?
 Group 2

1-     Last year, Mr. Villa earned $ 50.530 and this year will earn $ 67.825.
        How much more will he earn this year than last year? 

2-     A delivery truck traveled the following distances: 235 miles on Monday, 122 miles on Tuesday,
        and 47 miles on Wednesday.  How many miles did the truck travel altogether.

Write an integer to represent each situation.
      5 degrees above zero   ____________
      a loss of 20 dollars      ______________
      a gain of 15 points        _______________
   Put the following temperatures in order from coldest to hottest.
Location                                                                 Temperature
Rio DeJaneiro        _____                                                  80 oF
Guadalajara        _______                                                2 oF
Winnipeg           ________                                            - 40 oF     
 Honolulu      ________                                                   83  oF 
Solve the following equations:
1) 15 + 3 = x
2)  y =  7 - 5 +9

Solve the following equations:
1)  85 - 3 ( 4x5) = y2)  x + 99 =  -35
3)  -84 + x =  6 (10 - 5)

Solve these equations
1)   13 + 7 = x
2)    22 – 10 = x

Group 2
Solve these equations
1)  m + 66 = 119
2)  45 + y =  - 330

3)  432 -  338 =  x

Solve each problem
1 ) 5 - 12 ÷ 4 +19
2 ) 7 + 3 - 10 ÷ 2
3 ) 17 x 4 - 2 + 8

4 ) 11 - 8 x 10 + 5

Solve each problem.
1 ) (12 - 5 ) + 24 ÷ 2
2 ) 5 x 6 x ( 6 + 7 )
3 ) (10 + 3 ) x 11 + 5
4 ) (14 +46 ) ÷ ( 7 + 5 )
5 ) 6 x 4 x ( 8 + 2 )
6 ) (15 +33 ) ÷ ( 0 + 3 )
7 ) (17 + 7 ) x 11 - 4

8 ) (11 +43 - 6 ) ÷ 6

06/ 19/14
1 ) 18 - 9 + 9 - 2
2 ) 5 - 3 +15  + 5

3 ) 16 - 12 - 15 ÷ 3

1 ) 14 x 20 ÷ 10 - 9
2 ) 14 x 5 - 8 ÷ 2
3 ) 2 +12 ÷ 4 x 4
4 ) 2 - 1 x 24 ÷ 2
5 ) 20 ÷ 10 + 5 x 2
6 ) 20 ÷ 10 - 10 x 15
7 ) 12 ÷ 2 x 18 +18
8 ) 10 x 3 + 8 ÷ 2

9 ) 13 +17 x 16 ÷ 2

1)    11 + 15 - 3 + 2
2)    7 - 4 - 12 + 6 

3)    14 +14 - 7 -  8

1 ) 15 ÷ 5 x 12 - 3
2 ) 10 ÷ 5 x 10 - 2
3 ) 13 - 12 ÷ 4 x 13
4 ) 12 x 16 +16 ÷ 2
5 ) 12 ÷ 4 - 2 +15
6 ) 8 +20 ÷ 4 x 10
7 ) 19 + 7 - 1 x 2

8 ) 2 x 16 +10 - 1

Group 1
Solve each problem.
1)  2 - 1 + 14 - 7
2)  12 + 3 - 2 + 5
3) 14 - 5 +  15 + 3


Solve each problem.

1) 1-8-5-3-5+4-8

2)  1-3-5+8-1+2+2

Group 2

Evaluate the following expressions using the order of operations:
a)    (20 - 7 ) + 9 - 2  =
b)   22 + 4 - (7 + 14)   =

Evaluate the following expressions using the order of operations:
1-     [17 - (2 + 8) + 2] ÷ 3
2-    (20 + 15) - (16 + 13)   =
3-    (68 - 33) + 71          =

4. 12 + (24 - 5) + 8

Evaluate the expressions:
a)  22 + 5 - 3  =
b)  (10 - 8) + 16  =
c)  13 - (17 + 10)
Evaluate the expressions:

1.     (37 + 2) - 29            =
2.      38 + (14 - 2)            =
3.      75 - (28 + 21)          =
4.     49 - (21 + 12)          =

5.     18 + (57 - 43)          =

Group 1
Evaluate the following expressions using the order of operations:
a)   (11 + 9) - 5 + 2    =
b)   8 - (30 + 7)    =
c)  (24 - 8) + 6     =

d)   (9 + 3) - (2 + 4)   =

Group 2
Evaluate the following expressions using the order of operations:
a)      7 x 4 + (13 - 5)       
b)     (10 - 3) + 9 x 2       
c)      23 x 2 - 16 ÷ 4   
d)       9. 36 ÷ 6 x 3 + (7 - 2)

Answer the following questions:

1. Which comes first in the order of operations?       
a. Multiplication          b. Grouping Symbols
c. subraction    d. exponents

2. Which grouping symbol should be used first?       
a. Braces          b. Parentheses
c. Brackets      d. exponents

3. If an expression has braces and brackets, which should be used first?     
a. Braces          b. Brackets

Evaluating these expressions by following the order of operations rules
a)     4 + (3 - 1) + 6 

b)     11 + 9) – 5

c)      (8 – 4) + 5
Evaluating these expressions by following the order of operations rules
a)    4 + (3 - 1) x 6

b)   (11 + 9) - 5 x 2

c)  17 - (2 + 8) + 2 ÷ 3


1-Jovana filled her bucket with 5 pounds of shells. If she adds 12 more
pounds of shell to fill her bucket, how many pounds does she have? 

2. Jovana filled her bucket with 5 pounds of shells. If a friend comes to add
15 pounds of shells, and another friend comes to add 17 pounds of
shells, how many pounds does she have altogether?

1. Randy has 78 blocks. He uses 19 blocks to build a tower. How many
blocks are left?

2. Hailey’s bus is third in line. Danny’s bus is 3 buses behind hers. What
place in line is Danny’s bus? 

3. Alex has 5 dimes, 4 nickels and one penny. Does he have enough to
buy a hat that costs 90 cents?

1. Liz Maryt's favorite first grade classes are baking muffins. Dashley's
class bakes 18 muffins, Carlos's class bakes 20 muffins, and
Mario's class bakes 17 muffins. How many muffins does first
grade bake in all? Is this an even number or an odd number? 

2. Mrs. Hilt bought a yoyo for 24 cents and a whistle for 14 cents. How

much did she spend in all for the two toys? 

1. The Razorback t-shirt Shop sells their t-shirts for $16. Last week they
sold 45 t-shirts. How much money did they make last week? 

2. Marlee has 12 guests coming to her Halloween party. Each table will
hold three guests. How many tables will she need? 

3. Mrs. Walker will have 56 apples for bobbing for apples. Each bucket will

hold 9 apples. How many buckets will she need?


1. Mrs. Hilt has two pennies, two dimes, and two nickels. Jacob has four
pennies, one nickel, and one dime. Who has more money? How much

2. Mrs. Hilt found a quarter, 1 dime, and 2 nickels. How much money did
she find?


1. The Razorback T-shirt Shop ordered 12 cases of t-shirts. If each case
contains 24 t-shirts, how many t-shirts did they order?

2. The Razorback T-shirt Shop makes $9 dollars off each t-shirt sold.
During the Arkansas and Texas Tech game they sold 245 t-shirts. How
much money did they make from selling the t-shirts?


1. James ate 22 carrot sticks before dinner and 15 more after dinner. How
many carrot sticks did he eat? 
 2 Charles found 6 pennies on his way to school. He also had 3 nickels
already at home. How much money does he now have in all?

3. Mrs. Hernandez  gave 2 pieces of candy to each student in the group. The group
had a total of 9 students in it. How many pieces of candy did Mrs. Hilt

give away

Group 2

1. A candy store has 6 boxes of chocolates. Each box has 500 pieces.
How many pieces are there altogether in the 6 boxes? 

2. You want to share 34 pencils among 6 friends. How many would each

friend get?


Tessa has 4 apples. Anita gave her 5 more. She needs 10 apples to
make a pie. Does she have enough to make a pie?
 2. Julia played tag with 12 kids on Monday. She played tag with 7 kids on
Tuesday. How many kids did she play with altogether?
3. Molly had 14 candles on her birthday cake. She grew older and got 6

more on her birthday cake. How old is Molly now? 


1. Beth has 4 packs of crayons. Each pack has 10 crayons in it. She also
has 6 extra crayons. How many crayons does Beth have altogether? 

2. Ted has 15 candy bars. He wants to put them into 5 bags so there are
the same number of candy bars in each bag. How many candy bars

should go in each bag? 

1. Mrs. Davis spent 25 cents on one caramel apple and 15 cents on one ice
cream cone. How much more did the apple cost?
2. Mr. Bueno bought 2 pizzas. Each pizza had 8 slices. How many total
slices of pizza did she have?
3. Mr. Matinez read 2 books per day. How many books did she read in one

 4. Mrs. Smith ate 5 apples every hour. How many apples had she eaten at
the end of 3 hours? 

1. A sandbox is 312 centimeters long and 146 centimeters wide. How
    many square centimeters of ground does the sandbox cover?
2. Sarah picked 45 apples. Her brother picked 9 apples. How many times
    as many apples did Sarah pick?

3. How many different ways can ice cream be ordered if you can choose
    between a regular or waffle cone and vanilla, strawberry, caramel, and
    bubblegum flavored ice cream?

4.Your class is having a pizza party. You buy 5 pizzas. Each pizza has 4
   slices. How many slices is that altogether?


1. Mrs. Hilt saw 3 bugs eat two flowers each. How many flowers total did
the bugs eat?
2. Mrs. Hilt has 15 friends. She can only take 8 of her friends to the
movies. How many friends can't go to the movies?
3. Mrs. Hilt ran 3 miles on Monday, 2 miles on Wednesday, and 7 miles on
    Friday. How many total miles did she run that week?

Solve the problems 

1. There are 46 birds perched on the branches of a tree. How many feet
    are there on the branches?
2. I see 115 cows grazing in the pasture. How many legs do I see?

3. There are 397 butterflies. Each butterfly has 12 black dots and 17
    yellow dots. How many black dots are there in all?
4-  The Ferris wheel in Paradise Park has 14 seats. Each seat can hold 6
     people. How many people can ride the Ferris wheel at the same time? 

Solve the following problems
1) A bee has 6 legs. How many legs do 2 bees have?

2)There are 5 flowers and 3 bees. How many fewer bees are there than

3). 1 lonely pigeons was eating breadcrumbs. Another pigeon came to eat
      breadcrumbs, too. How many pigeons are eating breadcrumbs now?

 4)Mrs. Hilt reads 5 books a day. How many books does she read in 3


 Solve these problems

1. 231 birds were sitting in a tree. Some more fly up to the tree. Then there
    were 312 birds in the tree. How many more fly up to the tree?

 2-Misha has 34 dollars. How many dollars does she have to earn to have
    47 dollars to buy a dog?
3. Elisa has 37 dollars. How many more dollars does she have to earn to
    have 53 dollars?
4. James had 39 stickers. He got some more stickers for his birthday.
    Then he had 61 stickers. How many stickers did James get for his

Solve the following word problems
1) You have 7 balloons and your friend has 5 balloons. How many more
balloons do you have than your friend? 

2) 2 birds were sitting on the fence. 4 more birds came to join them. How
many birds are sitting on the fence? 

3) You have 7 cookies and you ate 2 of them. How many cookies do you
have left? 

4. You have collected 7 crickets. How many more crickets do you need to

collect to have 11 crickets? 

Solve the following problems.  Use the clues
1. Paul got a box of 479 crayons for his birthday. At the end of the school
year, he only had 134 left. How many crayons had been lost or given

2. 179 birds were sitting in a tree. 38 more birds flew up to the tree. How
many birds were there altogether in the tree?

 3. Cindy’s mom baked 1215 cookies. Paul’s dad baked 1112 cookies.
They both brought them to school for a party. How many cookies did
they have altogether?

4. Beth has 106 crayons. She gives 54 of them away to Jen. How many

crayons does Beth have left? 


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