Saturday, January 25, 2014

Native Language Arts
Grupo 1
Despues de escuchar la informacion use las siguientes fotografias
y escriba debajo de cada una la plabra correcta.


Complete las oraciones usando las palabras de abajo.

  Radcliffe         novas      fotometria fotografica         Lancaster, Massachusetts

1-  Henrietta S. Leavitt nacio en      _________________________________,


2-  Se graduo en la Universidad de Oberlin y posteriormente en la Universidad de


3-  Dirigio el department de _________________________, ____________________
     en el observatorio de la Universidad de Harvard.

4-  Leavitt descubrió cuatro ______________________ y cerca de  _______________


Grupo 1
El Sistema Solar
Complete cada oracion con la palabra correcta.

         sol        rocas          planetas       extraterrestre        meteoritos 
                               Via Lactea                          asteroides

1-  El Sistema Solar es un conjunto formado por el   ___________________,

      8   _____________________________, y    _________________________

2-   El sistema solar pertenece a la galaxia llamada   ______________________


3-   Los asteroids son  ________________________ mas pequenas que tambien giran.

4-  A veces llega a la Tierra un fragmento de material  _______________________

     La mayoria se encienden y se desintegran cuando entran en la atmosfera.  Son los


Grupo 2

El Sistema Solar

Lea la informacion a cerca de  el Sistema Solar y  conteste las siguientes preguntas.

1-  Que es el Sistema Solar?

2-  A que galaxia pertenece el Sistema Solar?

3-  Como clasifican los astronomos a los planetas y otros cuerpos en nuestro Sistema
     Solar?  Describe.

4-  La Tierra es nuestro planeta y tiene un satellite llamado ____________________.

5-  Que son los meteorites?

6-  Que es el medio interplanetario?

01/ 21/14
Grupo 1
Complete cada oracion usando las palabras que encuentras abajo.

    amarillo        polvo, hielo,  rocas            nube  cometas                  nieve  sucia

1-  Un cometa es en realidad una enorme bola de    ___________________

2-  Un cometa se compone de :    ___________________, ________________,
     Contenidos carbonicos  y _________________.

3-  La Nube de Oart es una majestuosa   _____________________   de


4-  La Cola de Polvo de un cometa es  generalmente de color __________________

Grupo 2

Lea la informacion a cerca de los cometas y conteste las siguientes preguntas.

1-  Que es un cometa?

2-  De cuantos elementos se compone el cometa?  Nombralos.

3-  Que es la Nube de Oort?

4-  Que contiene la Nube de Oort?

5-  Como se forma la Cola de un Cometa?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Complete las oraciones usando las palabras de abajo.

  Radcliffe         novas      fotometria fotografica         Lancaster, Massachusetts

1-  Henrietta S. Leavitt nacio en      _________________________________,


2-  Se graduo en la Universidad de Oberlin y posteriormente en la Universidad de


3-  Dirigio el department de _________________________, ____________________
     en el observatorio de la Universidad de Harvard.

4-  Leavitt descubrió cuatro ______________________ y cerca de  _______________


Cecilia Helena Payne

Complete cada oracion usando las palabras de abajo.

    Universidad          beca          Wendover, Inglaterra 

1-  Cecilia H Payne nacio en  ________________________, ___________________.

2-  Estudió en la _____________________ de Cambridge.

3-  Le concedieron una    _________________________para estudiar en el Harvard

      College Observtory.

Grupo 1

Antonia Caetana de Paiva Pereira Maury

Identifique la frase o oración  que combina con la foto.

Trabajo en el laboratorio de Harvard-        Espectro de la estrella Beta Aurigae -        

  Antonia C de Paiva Pereira Maury





Grupo 2
 Antonia Caetana de Paiva Pereira Maury 

Lea el texto relacionado con la biografia de Antonia Caetano de Paiva Pereira Maury. 
Escriba quien era ella y que logros hizo como astrónoma.

Grupo 1
seleccione fotografias relacionadas a las siguientes
frases o sentences.
1-  Annie Jump Cannon
2-  Estudiando las estrellas
3-  telescopio.
Seleccione la frase  que complete cada oracion. 

 variables, novas              registrar, clasificar y catalogar     Annie Jump Cannon
   Oh Be a Fine Girl-Kiss Me!        225.000 estrellas       1925                Oxford  

1-  Annie J. Cannon trabajaba para un proyecto que consistia en ________________,
      ___________________ y ________________.

2-  Gracias al proyecto que uso de clasificacion espectral por la temperature superficial,

      consiguio catalogar  _________________________.

3-  Annie descubrio ademas unas 300 estrellas __________________ y 5  ___________.

4-  El primer reconocimiento hecho a Annie Cannon fue en ______________  por la

    universidad de   _________________.

5-  Harvard no reconocio el gran conocimiento de  ___________________________

     que tenia sobre la clasificacion de las estrellas hasta el ano 1938.

6- La regla establecida por Cannon, sobre la secuencia de clases espectrales,

     OBFGKM, se recuerda con la famosa frase:  ________________________________

Williamina Fleming 

Complete cada oracion usando las palabras de abajo

   1857       Observatorio de Harvar        Mina

1-  Nacio el 15 de Mayo de _______________ 

2- Williamina Fleming, era llamada_______________.
3-  Trabajo en el___________________ de  _________________.

Grupo 2

 Williamina Fleming 
Lea el texto relacionado con la biografia de Williamina Fleming.
  Escriba quien era ella y que logros hizo como astrónoma.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Group 1
Write the following names correctly.
1-  mrs erin c brown
2-  mr george h yoon
3-  ines d ortega
In the sentence below, circle each small letter that should
be capitalize.  Write the reason it should be capitalized
1-  do you ever read about garfield the cat in the sunday
2-  in 1953, queen elizabeth of england began her reign.
"the masque of the red death" is one of edgar allan poe's
 horror stories.
Write the correct way to write the name of each day.
1.  We played on  ___________.. (saturday,  Saturday)
2-  I saw you on  _____________.  (Monday, monday)
In the sentence below, circle each small letter that should
be capitalize.  Rewrite the sentence.
1-  Many people read magazines like time and newsweek
      to find out what is happening in the world.
2-  does thanksgiven always fall on a thursday?
3-  on november 9,1989, the berlin wall was opened.

Group 1
Circle the correct way to write each name.
1-  ________called her dog.
     Nan    nan
2-  His cat is named _______
                             penny  Penny
3-  The first letters of his name are  __________
                                                      m.a.      M.A.
Circle each small letter that should be a capital letter
in the sentence.
1-  brett rocha brought his parrot named athena.
2-  boa the snake almost ate fidel casas's hamster!
3-  amanda Jackson said grace should have a pet party on

Group 1
Circle each small letter that should be capitalized.
1-  my family went to brazil.
2-  i can’t wait for vacation.
3-  we will move to florida.
Following is a story with none of the letters capitalized. Let the students know how many words need to be capitalized. There are 35 words that need a capital.
the lazy queen
in a faraway land, there lived a very lazy queen named suzie. she loved to drink pepsi, eat lays potato chips and twinkies, and watch the movie toy story. she never exercised and soon got too big to walk into her favorite place, wanda’s wonderful world of wonder. on tuesday, queen suzie wanted to attend the celebration of her country’s victory over veggieland, called spoiling day. she called to bob and juan and said, “i order you to bring a scooter for me. they got the scooter and she was off. naturally, she won the contest and got the all you can eat in ten minutes award.

Capitalize the title of each book.
1-  tall buildings
2-  uncle Vincent
3-  dark shadows
Circle each small letter that should be a capital letter
in the sentence below.
1-  Have you read Beatrice and the dolphin?
2-  story of the grandfather clock is a mystery.
3-  a pioneer family starts in little house on the pairie.
4-  treasure island is about pirates.
5-  Lewis Caroll wrote alice’s adventure in wonderland.

Write the following sentences over.  Capitalize and
 add end marks correctly.
1-  mickel lives in dominican republic.
2-  yulenny has a house in elm street.
3-  liz mary is going to main street.
Group 2
1- the president of the united states lives in the white house.
2. last august we visited the state of oregon in the pacific northwest.
3. Joseph's apartment is on michigan avenue, on the north side of the
4. do Rosa and her sister live on north remington street?
5. egypt is located in the northern part of Africa.

Group 1
Capitalize the following months
march     ___________
april       ___________
june        ___________
december ______________

Fill in each blank with the correct month. Capitalize and
Add end marks correctly.

1-  ________________is the third month of the year
2- jeffrey likes ___________, the month after January
3-  matthew hates ______________________, the month before
4-   karen vacation in ________________, the month after
5-  my favorite month is  _____________, the month before july

Circle the doing word in each sentence below.
1-  Andy and I play in the yard.
2-  We hide in a box
3-  Andy and Ben run into the house
4-  We jump out of the box.
5-  They dogs yelp in surprise.
Write the present form of each verb in ( ) to complete
the sentence below.
1-  Joan ___________she _____________her keys.
                   (say)                  (find)
2-  Owen and John  ______________at the door and _________
                                      (stand)                                        (drink)
      a soda.
3-  They _____________near the front when she _________
                 (sit)                                                             (fly)
      to Florida.                
Group 1
Put a line under each noun that names one.
Put an x above each noun that names more than one.
1-  Two lions are sleeping
2-  Tigers are playing in the field.
3-  Monkeys are climbing trees
4-  The boy watches an elephant.

Group 2

In the following sentences, correct any plural-s ending errors that you find. 
Watch for Special Pattern #1 and Special Pattern #2 discussed on the previous page.
1- . Julie wants to buy another cars.

2. Neither of her old car runs any more.

3. You can choose either of the dessert.

4. You should wear one of your new shirt.

5. Every freshmen has to adjust to a new campus.
6. Every one of Jane's novel gets published.

7. I spent two hours cleaning each rooms. 

Write the plural form of the following singular nouns under each picture.

   feet   children    teeth     mice          women     sheep      



3-        ________________________________
6-         _______________________________

Write the plural form of each noun in ( ) to complete the sentences below.

  Our town has a new zoo.   __________________ and  ________________

                                                    (man)                                      (woman)

enjoy it as much as the  _________________________.  Each animal is


special.  The kangaroo has huge ________________.   The  beaver’s


______________________  are very strong.  Our zoo also has  __________,

     (tooth)                                                                                           (deer)

____________________, and    __________________________.

Even common field _________________________have their own cages.
Group 1
If a noun ends in F or Fe, we usually change the f to v
 and add – es  or  -s to make the plural form.

Write the plural form of the following singular nouns under each picture.

 knives-   wolves-   scarves-  elves-  thieves-  leaves




  _______________________ _________


Select the plural form of each noun from the box 

  lives    halves     scarves    knives      wives    wolves

1-  I have   ____________________ in many colors.
2-   _______________________look like dogs. 

3-  Campers need to pack good __________________________. 

4-  Seat belts save   _________________________in car accidents. 

5-  The ________________________of the astronauts waited patiently.
6-  Cut the orange into two  ___________________. 

7-  The   _____________________ were caught by the police.

Perimeter and area of polygons





1-A large window has a length of 8 feet and a width of 6 feet. What is its area? 
2-If one side of a stop sign measures 12 inches, then what is its perimeter?
1- If one side of a stop sign measures 12 inches, then what is its perimeter? 

2. A trapezoid has bases of 7 centimeters and 5 centimeters and a height of 3 centimeters. What is its area?

3- A rectangular piece of paper has a width of 16 inches and an area of 192 square inches. What is its length?

4-The perimeter of a square is 220 centimeters. What is the length of each side?

Group1 card has a length of 10 centimeters and a width of 5 centimeters. What is its perimeter? 

2. A parallelogram has a base of 3 inches and a height of 7 inches. What is its area?

A square-shaped garden has a side of 6 feet. What is its area? 

4. A triangular-shaped yard has a base of 25 meters and a height of 12 meters. What is its area?


1. A piece of cardboard has a length of 13 in and a width of 5 in. What is the perimeter?
2. A triangular-shaped rug has a base of 9 feet and a height of 6 feet. What is the area?


1. A parallelogram has a base of 12 meters and a height of 7 meters. What is the area? 

2. Find the perimeter of an octagon with a side length of 14 cm.

Find the area of this rectangle.

 Find the area of this rectangle.


Write a number sentence for the total area, thinking of one rectangle or two.

    _____ × ( _____ + _____ )
_____ × _____
_____ × _____
  =  ________
area of the
whole rectangle

area of the
first part

area of the
second part


Draw a rectangle that has the area of 12 square units.


Find the area of this rectangle.


Write a number sentence for the total area, thinking of one rectangle or two.

    _____ × ( _____ + _____ )
_____ × _____
_____ × _____
  =  ________
area of the
whole rectangle

area of the
first part

area of the
second part

 Measure the length of each line segment in centimeters
a)     ________________ .        ___   cm.
b)    ______________.              ____  cm.
c)    _________________.        _____ cm
Group 2
1-  Mr. Wiley wants to put weather stripping around the large windows of his house.
  Each window is 3 feet wide and 5 feet high.  There are 11 of these windows in his house.  
  How Many feet of weather stripping must Mr. Wiley buy?

 2-  If the weather stripping cost 89 cents per foot, how much will it cost to buy weather 
      stripping for the windows of Mr. Wiley’s house?
 3-  Mr. Ellis wants to fence in part of his backyard for his young children.  He has 80 feet
     of fencing to use.  If the space he encloses is 17 feet wide, how long can it be?

Group 1
A rectangle has a length of 8 centimeters and a width of 3 centimeters. Find the perimeter.  

3-  Find the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 2 inches. 

Solve and write the correct label, such $ or feet, next to each answer. 

1-  The distance around the outside of a room measures 40 feet.  The width is 9 feet.
      How long is the room?  

2-  How much fencing is required to enclosed a garden that is 18 feet wide and 23
      Feet long?

Draw a line segment for each measure.
1) 4 cm
2)  3 cm
3)  5 cm
4)  8cm
-   Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides measuring 5 centimeters, 9 centimeters and 11 centimeters. 


1-  Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle with each side measuring 4 centimeters.

2-  Find the perimeter of a regular pentagon with each side measuring 3 inches.


3-  The perimeter of a regular hexagon is 18 centimeters. How long is one side?

Group 1
Represent on the construction paper the following polygons using these
1-  A rectangle:  two 5- inch length sides and 2-width inch sides.
2-  A rectangle:  two 9- inch length sides and 7-width inch sides.
Group 2
 Find the perimeter of the following polygons 
v Perimeter_____                                     Perimeter_____

ÕPerimeter_____                      cPerimeter_____

01/ 13/14
Group 1
Measure the following objects..
1-  Your math book:           2-  Your notebook
      Length:   _________           Lenght: ________
      Width:    _________           Width:  ________
      Perimeter: ________           Perimeter.
 Group 2

Name: _____________________________Date: _______________________

Measure the objects using centimeters.

1. Describe how to find the perimeter of an object.



List the number of sides of each object and find its perimeter.
2.  ž  Sides ____        Perimeter _________ 

3.                    à  Sides ____        Perimeter _________